Exposure in photography

 The past few weeks have been very enlightening to me and a very new experience for me. From the pinhole cameras to our 35mm camera, understanding the concept and pitting it to actual practice has been an eye opener. I never had any prior knowledge about photography except selfies and snapchats(haha) and taking this course was an impulse decision for me that I would forever be grateful for. 

Exposure simply means that amount of reaches your film/photo paper or camera sensor. The way the photo turns out is determined by the amount of exposure that is received. With our pinhole cameras, it was more time consuming and technical to determine the right amount of exposure. Thinking about it now, I first few pictures were like contact sheets. We used them to determine the duration and amount of light that gave us the right exposure. Cameras are built in a way that makes us determine it faster. Our 35mm cameras have the (+) and (-) signs that help us know when the exposure is right for that picture and other DSLR cameras have better advanced methods that make the process easier. No matter what camera you are using, knowing how to get the right exposure is important. 

  • Maximum exposure 
