Through your faces

 I took pictures of three of my friends reacting to the same situation. It was a fun experience. Lalage snow did something like this and that was what inspired me to write it.

The title of this work is through your faces. I wanted to show each emotion through the faces of different people. It showed how different we all act to the same emotions and we may not even notice it ourselves.

Through your faces

The first column was them reacting to me calling their names. The next was their reaction to a cringy statement made by a friend at the same time. The third column was their faces to a disgusting show on tv. The last was their reaction to something funny.

They were reacting to the same things every time which made it easier to compare. One of the downsides of this was they knew I was taking pictures of them so it was hard to get the most authentic pictures. 

Overall it was a good experience .
